Broadbent Law Blog
Archive by tag: appealReturn

Naturalization Denied

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USCIS can deny a naturalization application for several reasons.
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| Categories: Immigration, Naturlization | Tags: naturalization, immigration, uscis, rejection, denial, appeal, fraud, good moral character, english test, civics test, interview | View Count: (3468)
How to determine whether you should appeal an out of state traffic ticket.
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| Categories: Traffic, Insurance Surcharge, Speeding | Tags: traffic, insurance, ticket, appeal | View Count: (649)

Massachusetts "No Fix" Statute

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M.G.L. 90C Section 2 states in relevant part: "A failure to give a copy of the citation to the violator at the time and place of the violation shall constitute a defense in any court proceeding for such violation, except where the violator could not have been stopped..."
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| Categories: Traffic, Speeding, Suspensions | Tags: speeding, appeal, ticket, no fix statute, citation | View Count: (5172)
A common question that arises with Massachusetts tickets is whether it is too late to fight the ticket.  Here is a breakdown of when you still have an opportunity to do so, and when it is too late.
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| Categories: Traffic, CDL, Speeding, Suspensions, Junior Operator License (JOL) | Tags: ticket, speeding, traffic, appeal | View Count: (1235)
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