Broadbent Law Blog
Archive by tag: citationReturn

Massachusetts "No Fix" Statute

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M.G.L. 90C Section 2 states in relevant part: "A failure to give a copy of the citation to the violator at the time and place of the violation shall constitute a defense in any court proceeding for such violation, except where the violator could not have been stopped..."
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| Categories: Traffic, Speeding, Suspensions | Tags: speeding, appeal, ticket, no fix statute, citation | View Count: (5354)
In Massachusetts, there are 2 types of citations that are handed out: civil and criminal. If you receive a citation for a criminal violation, it is important to take the steps to best defend the citation.
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| Categories: Criminal Law, Felony | Tags: criminal citation | View Count: (2255)
In Massachusetts, an officer is required to provide you a copy of the citation at the time of a motor vehicle stop.
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| Categories: Traffic | Tags: traffic citation | View Count: (4056)
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